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Trials and Tribulations of City Fit Life: Grocery Stores


When first moving from the small town of Ocean View, Delaware to the big city of Philadelphia, I never once thought finding a grocery store would be so hard. I don't mean any grocery store. I mean one where I can easily locate FAMILY SIZE RANCH DRESSING.

First of all... What is Whole Foods?

While I have slowly come to appreciate the value of a Whole Foods grocery store, I still can't help but feel out of place while strolling through it's organic and gluten free (better than you) aisles (not to mention no Hidden Valley Ranch). My first trip to the store wasn't even a true visit. It aired more on the side of a mental breakdown. I had done extensive research on Yelp and found that Whole Foods had a parking garage so customers didn't have to worry about street parking. I was extremely excited about this because I am NOT a fan of parallel parking, and by that I mean I can't do it. Well, I could but there would be a lot of yelling. Let's just say we are all better off in a world where Gina Scarangella does not parallel park.

Back to my first trip.

As I'm driving to Whole Foods, I'm making a mental note of all of the ingredients I want to buy to make stuffed peppers: ground beef, rice, bell peppers, shredded cheese... and then it hits me. I am on my THIRD LAP around whole foods which is beginning to feel more like NASCAR's Monster Mile. For some reason, I can't find the parking garage entrance for the life of me. What is this? Some secret passageway only meant for Whole Foods veterans? I feel like Harry Potter trying to find platform 9 3/4 for the first time.

I tell myself not to panic (which really means I am already panicking and this is CODE RED). I see an available spot on the street and since I am so desperate to get groceries I decide to give it a shot.

I pull up side by side to the car in front of the spot and start to reverse noticing that one car is waiting behind me. Okay, no big deal. I reverse again and look back over my shoulder to see a line of FIVE CARS behind me. Pressure is on and I am half way in the spot when I hear a loud honk from one of the kind, understanding, and calm drivers behind me.

I left the scene of my terrible parking job with one civil and profound thought in mind.


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